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KM Soltec vince per il secondo anno di fila il premio Eccellenza dell'Anno a Le Fonti Awards
on gen 2, 2024 | by Martina Vaggi
Resistive or capacitive touch screen monitor or panel PC? Which is more suitable for work glove users?
When it comes to resistive or capacitive panel PCs, there is still little knowledge about the differences between the...
on dic 14, 2023 | by Marco Venturi
[Case Study]: 27 Panel PCs delivered in a single month to a multinational company
A multinational company based in Italy decided to rely on KM Soltec for the purchase of 27 Panel PCs with Industry 4.0.
on dic 4, 2023 | by Marco Venturi

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Approfondimenti There are 18 posts.

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Resistive or capacitive touch screen monitor or panel PC? Which is more suitable for work glove users?

Posted on: dic 14, 2023 | Author: Marco Venturi | Categories: Approfondimenti

When it comes to resistive or capacitive panel PCs, there is still little knowledge about the differences between the two and which one is best suited for those who have to...

[News] Risoluzione video 8K: l'evoluzione video non si ferma

Posted on: nov 15, 2018 | Author: Matteo Pinato | Categories: News, Approfondimenti